Thursday, 2 November 2017

Marc Seifer says Nikola Tesla is Gheg - but he thinks Ghegs are a Serbian Tribe

Marc Seifer wrote a book about Nikola Tesla. The Wizard.
He says he looked like someone from a Gheg tribe. Then he continues explaining how Ghegs are like other Serbs.
- Big mistake!!!
- Ghegs are not Serbs. Ghegs are Albanian. Actually it's not a tribe but rather a dialect. Albanians have two major dialects, Gheg and Tosk. The Gheg dialect is used in Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Northern Albania. Tosk dialect is used in Southern Albania, Greece, Sicily, Calabria and Zadar.
And Ghegs don't come from anywhere. Ghegs, Tosk, Arvanitis, Arberesh, Arbanasi are all Albanian and autochthonous people of the Balkans.

Here's the link to the book Wizard by Marc Seifer

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Alban Fetahu

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